
2023-03-02  来自: 武汉八维时空信息技术股份有限公司 浏览次数:251


Entrusted by the Fifth Construction Co., LTD., China Railway Construction Engineering Group, our company produced a transportation hub animation of Guangzhou Baiyun Station.


As an important project in the "13th Five-Year Plan" railway plan, Guangzhou Baiyun Station is one of the main passenger stations in the "five main and three auxiliary" railway hub planning of Guangzhou. In the future, it will undertake all the common speed vehicles of Guangzhou Station and Guangzhou East Station, shoulder all the common speed passenger functions of the hub, take into account part of high-speed rail and Guangzhou-Qing intercity passenger flow, and plan to introduce subway, coach and bus hubs, and build a comprehensive transportation hub integrating various modes of transfer, which will be one of the important common speed passenger stations in the network.三维动画三维动画





Company QQ:2331892084@qq.com

Contact number:18627027250

Company Website:www.8dbim.cn

Address: 18/F, Block B, Asian Trade Plaza, No. 628, Wuluo Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan


关键词: 三维动画   施工动画   多媒体视频   视频剪辑  


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本站关键字: BIM BIM研发 BIM应用 电子沙盘 智慧工地 工程动画 数字孪生 AR VR MR 倾斜摄影 航拍
