
2024-05-31  来自: 武汉八维时空信息技术股份有限公司 浏览次数:303


八维零代码数字孪生平台是一款集高配置3D场景资产、多风格UI视效、全样式交互设计等功能于一体的实时3D可视化开发平台针对智慧园区、智慧城市智慧工厂、智慧桥梁、智慧工地、智慧水利、智慧矿山、智慧管廊、智慧建造、城市规划和工业仿真领域而设计的实时可视化智慧交互软件。基于丰富多样的内置模板和素材库,用户可轻松搭建出专 业的数字孪生平台

八维零代码数字孪生平台具备导入高精度的数字孪生模型、场景和工艺交底动画,渲染效果出众。可以实现光影、粒子、物理等多种特 效,提升用户体验,制作逼真的三维场景和交互功能。支持多种数据源和组件的融合和联动,多分辨率的全终端渲染能力,支持多种数据格式和接口的导入和导出,支持APP与PC 、Web数据共享,信息同步。

八维零代码数字孪生平台最 大亮点在于其零代码的特性。用户无需具备专 业的编程知识,即可通过简单的拖拽、配置等操作,快速构建出符合自身需求的数字孪生展示平台。这一创新不仅大大降低了数字孪生技术的使用门槛,也极 大地提高了工作效率和灵活性。

Based on more than ten years of scientific and technological research and development accumulation, our company released the "Eight-dimensional zero code digital twin platform (8DTwins) Version 1.0" in 2023.

The 8-dimensional zero-code digital twin platform is a real-time 3D visualization development platform that integrates high-configuration 3D scene assets, multi-style UI visual effects, full-style interaction design and other functions. It is a real-time visual intelligent interactive software designed for smart parks, smart cities, smart factories, smart Bridges, smart construction sites, smart water conservancy, smart mines, smart pipe corridors, smart construction, urban planning and industrial simulation. With a rich and diverse library of built-in templates and materials, users can easily build a professional digital twin platform.

The 8-dimensional zero-code digital twin platform has the ability to import high-precision digital twins, scene and process animation, rendering effect is outstanding. It can realize various special effects such as light and shadow, particles, and physics, improve user experience, and create realistic three-dimensional scenes and interactive functions. Support the fusion and linkage of multiple data sources and components, multi-resolution full-terminal rendering capabilities, support the import and export of multiple data formats and interfaces, support APP and PC, Web data sharing, information synchronization.

The biggest highlight of the eight-dimensional zero code digital twin platform is its zero code feature. Users do not need to have professional programming knowledge, you can quickly build a digital twin display platform that meets their needs through simple drag-and-drop, configuration and other operations. This innovation not only greatly lowers the barrier to use of digital twin technology, but also greatly improves work efficiency and flexibility.







Company QQ:2331892084

Contact number:18627027250

Company Website:www.8dbim.cn

Address: 18/F, Block B, Asian Trade Plaza, No. 628, Wuluo Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan




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武汉八维时空信息技术股份有限公司,专营 软件产品 数字沙盘 BIM 工程动画 数字孪生 AR/VR/MR 倾斜摄影 航拍 等业务,有意向的客户请咨询我们,联系电话:18627027250

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本站关键字: BIM 智慧工地 数字孪生 倾斜摄影 电子沙盘 BIM研发 BIM应用 工程动画 AR/VR/MR
