
2023-08-03  来自: 武汉八维时空信息技术股份有限公司 浏览次数:594







Recently, the "Civil Engineering Intelligent construction simulation interactive hardware and software system" project undertaken by our company successfully passed the acceptance of the Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department, and achieved good acceptance. This marks another step forward in the field of smart construction and digital twin, and has contributed to the development of the engineering industry in the field of digital twin smart construction.

Our company has jointly promoted and completed the research and development and implementation of the project with Hubei Second Normal University. Through this technological research and development cooperation, our company highly appraised the technical research and development ability of the R&D team led by professors Yu Liangjun, Yang Li, Xu Guang and Lu Jing of Hubei Second Normal University, and hopes to carry out further cooperation in related fields in the future.

The project aims to improve the efficiency and quality of the civil engineering construction process by developing advanced smart construction technology. By introducing technologies such as digital twin, simulation interaction, parametric model, AI intelligent route setting, and nonlinear management of model scenarios, the software and hardware system can simulate civil engineering construction scenarios in real time, helping engineers and construction personnel to more intuitively understand engineering progress, optimize construction plans, and improve safety and sustainability. It has laid a solid foundation for the further realization of less human and unmanned chemical industry.

"Civil Engineering Intelligent construction simulation interactive hardware and software System" after acceptance, will be further optimized and improved, and officially put into the market for large-scale application. The system can be widely used in road and bridge, construction, water conservancy, mining, agriculture and many other industries, and can provide strong technical support for different stages of the project. By applying the system, engineers can perform engineering previews, complete smart construction under the digital twin, and achieve the goal of working together more efficiently, reducing errors and changes, improving project quality, and reducing deadlines.

    Dechun Luo, the project leader of our company, said that our company will continue to invest more resources, constantly improve and upgrade the function and performance of the system, and promote the popularization and application of smart construction in the civil engineering industry. We hope that through the power of innovation and technology, we can improve the level of engineering construction in our country and contribute to the building of a beautiful China.

As a new force in the field of civil engineering smart construction and digital twin, our company will continue to advance on the road of scientific and technological innovation, and inject new impetus into the development of the industry! Look forward to more innovations from our company in the field of smart construction and digital twins!









Company QQ:2331892084

Contact number:18627027250

Company Website:www.8dbim.cn

Address: 18/F, Block B, Asian Trade Plaza, No. 628, Wuluo Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan


关键词: 数字孪生   智慧建造   数字沙盘   智慧工地  



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